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perfectionism produces paralysis
As Voltaire said, perfect is the enemy of good. In our hunt for perfection, we…
Identify the boulder in your path
The boulder in our path is usually the one we put there. Not always, but…
Adjust your speed as needed
Check out this map to Slow TV around the world when you need to downshift…
Mental health self-tests
This page links to a list of free, scientifically-validated psychological self-assessments for common issues. If…
Are you open to a little mystery? Try the I Ching
When you’ve got an important choice to make or if you’re feeling a bit lost…
Are you in a distortion field?
This is the best article I’ve seen describing the main cognitive distortions we humans habitually…
Illustrated guide for doing what matters in times of stress
This little illustrated PDF guide is kinda delightful. Good for sharing with kids as well….
134 Ideas for when you’re bored, sad, worried, or just wondering what’s next
Here they are. (Ignore the “self-care” label in the headline because that’s silly.)