stress reduction

Stop Overthinking with Metacognitive Tools

A new method of therapy called Metacognitive Therapy (MCT) is spreading quickly in Europe but not yet in the US. Early research shows that it’s more effective than Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), which for decades has been the gold standard of evidence-based therapy. In addition to anxiety and depression, MCT is also being used to

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A Short Guided Meditation to Relax and Be Aware

I recorded this short guided meditation to offer an easy kind of “Mindfulness 101” practice. It works as a stand-alone experience or as a way to get into a settled, open state of mind for writing or reflection. It can also support relaxation before bedtime. I record custom meditations and guided visualizations for my clients

A Short Guided Meditation to Relax and Be Aware Read More »

A Baker’s Dozen of Writing Practices to Fuel Insight

WRITE A LETTER YOU DON’T SEND Write a letter freely, without editing, to someone with whom you have unfinished business, or to someone you imagine would be a friendly audience for your thoughts. Some people work stuff out with their parents (or children) this way, without ever sending the letter, or with people who have

A Baker’s Dozen of Writing Practices to Fuel Insight Read More »

Stop ruminating: it’ll make a big difference in your life

When we circle around and around on a topic in a tight, repetitive way — that’s ruminating. Our minds will try to convince us that we’re solving a problem when we’re actually just stirring the same tired mud puddle. And often the feeling tone of rumination is negative, whether it’s worry, regret, or self-criticism. Problems

Stop ruminating: it’ll make a big difference in your life Read More »

Does Time Feel Like Your Enemy?

This dharma talk is from one of my favorite Buddhist teachers on the topic of relating to subjective time pressure. Take a listen and 25 minutes later, you’re likely to experience a perspective shift. In it he reads a poem by Mary Howe called The Moment: Oh, the coming-out-of-nowhere moment when,   nothing happens no what-have-I-to-do-today-list maybe   half

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