things to try

What to do with those terrible, horrible, no good, very bad feelings

Most of us didn’t grow up learning how to take care of difficult feelings and it’s rare that adults are able to model this well. So many of us arrive into adulthood with more emotional reactivity and more emotional avoidance habits than we need. Small things set us off and we can get to feeling

What to do with those terrible, horrible, no good, very bad feelings Read More »

Stop ruminating: it’ll make a big difference in your life

When we circle around and around on a topic in a tight, repetitive way — that’s ruminating. Our minds will try to convince us that we’re solving a problem when we’re actually just stirring the same tired mud puddle. And often the feeling tone of rumination is negative, whether it’s worry, regret, or self-criticism. Problems

Stop ruminating: it’ll make a big difference in your life Read More »

Music, Reading, laughter, moving: non-drug prescriptions for mental health

This wonderful piece gives a quick rundown on the researched benefits of the big non-drug things that support mental health: art, music, reading, physical activity, nature, laughter, yoga, sleep, sunshine, social connection, being kind, feeling grateful. Let us find ways to bathe in an abundance of these things every day! (Various medications are still very

Music, Reading, laughter, moving: non-drug prescriptions for mental health Read More »